Linda's Practical Abortion (Growing Around Lost Episode)(Intentionally Bad)

I was an intern at-, like how every single of these fuckin' shittypastas start. You know, everyone's an intern at some stupid fucking company nowadays. Anyway, I was an intern at Mr Enter's basement... well, I WAS a hobo on the streets, and I was kidnapped by king Enter. He put a gun to my head and demanded me to help him with his stupid show. I live in his basement and I am under his house arrest. But every once in a while, he'd decide to let me out, because he probably got bored, or he wants me to see a screening of his stupid cartoon while putting a gun to my head.
And this guy thinks he can get his retard cartoon on television with no experience with animation whatsoever.
I once criticized his piece of shit cartoon, because he's an egotistical hack with no talent. And he kindly respected my constructive criticism, and took my criticism into consideration to make his show into something even better.
Just kidding, he just got mad, threw a hissy fit and ignored everything I said. He then kicked me out of his house. What a bitch. But one day, Enter knocked on my door, left a disc on my front mat and ran off... and he also took a watery shit in my garden, but that's beside the point. The disc had red bloody hyper-realistic blood writing on it. Probably Enter's period. Maybe that's why he's been such a whiny bitch lately. The writing had "Growing Around - Lost Episode". And my question is... why would he give me a disc of his cartoon? Maybe I'm about to find out, the disc came with a letter and it had more period writing on it.
"Do NOT watch this episode of Growing Around. Destroy it at all costs, don't watch it! Just destroy it! Please! -MrEnter"
What a fucking moron. I decided to watch it anyway.
I walked inside with the disc in my hand. I put the Growing Around disc in my DVD player and the episode started.
I was legitimately scared. Why? Because I was watching an episode of Growing Around, you fucking idiot.
The episode starts with Sally hopping around the house like she's on drugs, breaking things. Some hyper-realistic glass breaks and flies into Robert's eyes and screams of hyper-realistic pain.
"It's gonna be one of those days", Timmy says before the audience starts laughing.
One thing I noticed was that the animation was in 3D instead of 2D. Despite this, the animation still looked fake and awful. I guess you could say... it was hyper-unrealistic.
Linda walks in teary eyed. Timmy asks her what was wrong. She says she failed her test for the eleventeenth time.
"Wow. I wish you weren't my mother", Timmy says before the audience starts laughing. Linda threatens to kill herself, and Sally begs her to. Linda ends up killing herself.
I gasped!
Then I laughed cause I always had a massive hatred for Linda. I'm glad she's dead now. Unfortunately, we all know she'll be back next episode.
The episode ends on a happy note, and hopefully Enter kills Linda off for good someday. Actually, the credits says this wasn't made by Enter, but by Satan. I guess that's pretty cool.
What did I think of the lost episode? Honestly, it was better than any piece of garbage Enter had ever made, and I will hold it in high regard for that.
Now get lost.
Written by BelaireIsland